Yes, it will be more difficult to apply for a credit card in this case, because you already have a lot of credit cards, and your credit limit may be used up. In addition, all your credit cards have been used up, and your debt is high. , the bank will worry about your repayment ability. But if you want to give it a try, it doesn’t matter. As long as you meet the following conditions and provide corresponding proof, you might be able to do it.
Requirements for applying for a credit card:
1. The person applying for the card must be over 18 years old;
2. A valid ID card must be held when applying for the card;< /p>
3. The card applicant is required to have no bad credit record;
4. Provide proof of employment and income certificate stamped with the financial seal of the unit;
5. Best Can provide other financial proof, such as real estate, cars, stocks, bonds, etc.;
6. It is better to have social security certificate.
The first 4 are the most basic conditions for applying for a credit card. If you can provide 5 to 6 supporting materials, the application success rate and credit limit will be increased.