Generally, you have to pay five ten thousandths of interest every day to withdraw cash by credit card. For example, if you withdraw 2000 yuan in cash and pay it back 40 days later, you have to pay the bank 2000+2000*0.005*40=2080 yuan.
Credit card, also called debit card, is a credit certificate issued by a commercial bank or credit card company to eligible consumers. It is a card with name, expiration date, number and cardholder's name printed on the front, and a magnetic stripe and signature strip on the back. Consumers with credit cards can go to specialized commercial service departments for shopping or spending, and then the bank will settle accounts with merchants and cardholders, and cardholders can overdraw within the prescribed limits. Compared with ordinary bank savings cards, the most convenient way to use credit cards is for ordinary consumption, and there is no cash in the cards. In many cases, it is enough to return the consumption amount on time. However, credit card is like a double-edged sword, which can solve the temporary economic crisis. However, the purpose of issuing credit cards is to make money. Once the interest-free repayment time is exceeded, high interest will be charged, usually five ten thousandths of the daily interest, which is also a high cost after all. As we know, the validity period of a general credit card is 5 years, and the expiration time will be displayed under the card number 16. Two months before the credit card expires, the bank will send a message to remind customers to change their cards, and then the bank credit card center will issue you a new card. However, the card numbers of the new card and the old card are not necessarily the same, or even if the credit card numbers of some banks are the same, the security code will change. Therefore, if your bank credit card is bound to ETC or other automatic payment systems, and the credit card expires, the new card ETC can no longer be used, and customers need to go to the service outlets to re-bind. One more reminder, if you use a credit card, you must repay it in time, otherwise it will affect your credit information.