Some credit cards need to be activated, so you have to spend money before you can use POS.
A credit card, also called a credit card, is a credit certificate issued by a commercial bank or credit card company to consumers with qualified credit.
It is in the form of a card with the issuing bank name, validity period, number, cardholder name and other contents printed on the front, and a magnetic stripe and signature strip on the back. Consumers holding credit cards can shop or consume at specially designated commercial service departments, and then the bank will settle the accounts with merchants and cardholders. Cardholders can overdraft within the prescribed limit.
Credit cards stipulated in the relevant laws of our country ("Interpretations of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Relevant Credit Card Regulations") refer to credit cards issued by commercial banks or other financial institutions with the functions of consumption payment, credit loans, transfer settlement , cash deposit and withdrawal and other full or partial functions of the electronic payment card.
On December 1, 2017, the "English Translation and Writing Standards in the Public Service Field" was officially implemented, stipulating that the standard English name of credit cards is Credit Card.