The emergence of credit cards has indeed provided us with great convenience. When everyone encounters minor financial difficulties, they can also use credit cards to solve the immediate economic crisis. However, after using a credit card, all card holders must remember to repay on time, because if the credit card is overdue, it will be seriously reported to the central bank for credit reporting. However, under normal circumstances, we still need to pay a certain late fee. So how are credit card late fees calculated? How do the major banks charge it? Next, let’s learn about it with the editor.
Credit card late payment fees refer to the situation where the cardholder’s actual repayment amount is lower than the minimum repayment amount on the credit card due date, and the cardholder will have to pay late payment fees for the unpaid portion of the minimum repayment amount.
The "starting price" of late payment fees varies, with China CITIC Bank having the highest price. The standard for charging late payment fees for credit cards by various banks is 5% of the unpaid portion of the minimum repayment amount uniformly stipulated by the central bank. However, there are still big differences in the actual charges because the starting amount stipulated by each bank is different.
Take the late payment penalty for a debt of 100 yuan as an example. If it is an Agricultural Bank of China credit card, the late payment fee is: 100×10%×5%=0.5 yuan. If it is a CITIC Bank credit card, the late payment fee will be the "starting price" of 30 yuan. For the same debt of 100 yuan, the late payment fees charged by the two banks were 60 times different. Therefore, credit card charges are everywhere, which also reminds us to pay attention to details when using them, carefully understand and remember the credit card billing date, repayment date, and repayment amount to avoid spending more money.