2, remember not to be later than the repayment date, which will affect your personal credit. It is usually the same day of the month after the loan is issued. Deduction is completed before 24 o'clock on the repayment date, and the bank deduction time is not fixed. Deduction failed, recorded as breach of contract; If the deduction is successful, it is not a breach of contract.
1. If you use a bank card, savings card or passbook to deduct money from the bank, you should deposit the returned money into your bank card, savings card or passbook before the end of the bank day; The bank will automatically deduct the money you should pay back at the end of the day;
2, because the big machines have to wait until the accounts of the following business outlets are all calculated. Complete the repayment in time, pay the late payment fee and penalty interest, and notify the bank to deduct the money again after the deposit; In order to avoid this from happening again, it is suggested to deposit enough repayment funds in the bank card a few days in advance for repayment.