Four-letter English words
abet (v) support, instigate, encourage
able (aj) capable of
ache (v) pain, craving
acid (n) acid
acne (n) acne, pimples
afar ( adv) distant, in the distance
aged (aj) aged
aide (n) assistant
AIDS (abbr) AIDS
airy (aj) airy, indifferent
akin (aj) similar, similar
alas (int) alas (sad)
ally ( n) alliance, confederacy
also (adv) also, likewise, in addition, and
amen (int) amen
amid (prep) in, Surrounded by
ammo (n) ammunition
anal (aj) anal, picky about details
anew (adv) new, again
anti (aj) opposition
apex (n) apex, highest point
arab (n) Arab
arch (n) arch, foot Bow (v) arched
area (n) area, area, aspect
aria (n) aria
arid (aj) dry, boring
army (n) army unit, large number
atom (n) atom
atop (prep) on top
aunt (n ) aunt
aura (n) atmosphere, temperament, atmosphere
auto (n) car
avid (aj) keen, passionate, eager
away (adv) to leave, to the distance, elsewhere
awry (aj) skewed
axis (n) axis, coordinate axis, axis
axle (n) axle, axle
babe (n) baby
baby (n) baby, baby
back (adv) backward, forward, return
bail (n) bail, bail
bait (n) bait, fishing bait
bake (v) bake, bake
bald (aj) bald, simple
bale (n) bundle, a big bag, misfortune, pain
balk (v) to hold back, to hinder, to avoid
ball (n) ball, ball
balm (n) balm, skin care ointment
band (n) band, band, band, stripe
bang (v) bang, slam
bank (n) bank, bank, riverside
barb (n) barb, sarcastic remark
bare (aj) naked, bare
bark (v) bark (n) bark, gunshot
barn (n) barn, barn
base (v) base on (aj) despicable (n) foundation
bash (v) slam , severe criticism
bask (v) bask in the sun, keep warm
bass (n) bass, bass
bath (n) take a bath, bathtub
bead (n) beads, droplets
beak (n) beak, hooked nose
beam (n) light, radio waves, beams
bean (n) pod
bear (v) bear, endure (n) bear
beat (v) defeat, hit
beef (n) beef, whine
beer (n) beer
beep (v) beep
beet ( n) beetroot
bell (n) bell
belt (n) belt, belt, conveyor belt
bend (v) bend, lean over
bent (aj) bent, hunchback
best (aj) the best, the most outstanding
bias (n) bias, partiality, preference
bike (n) bicycle
bile (n) bile, anger, hatred
bill (n) bill, bill, poster, beak
bind (v) tie, restrain, bind, combine
bird (n) bird, guy
bite (v) bite, bite, sting
blah (n) Say when you feel bored and don’t want to repeat what others have said
blip (n) Change, temporary problem
blob (n) spot
bloc (n) Group of Nations
blot (v) blot, stain, blur, wipe dry
blow (v) blow, scrape, blow
blue ( aj) blue, sad
blur (n) vague memory
boar (n) wild boar
boat (n) small boat
bode (v) foretell, forecast
body (n) body, corpse, institution
boil (v) boil, boil, rage
bold (aj) bold, confident, obvious
bolt (n) bolt, lightning, crossbow bolt, bolt
bomb (n) bomb, nuclear bomb
bond (n) connection, relationship, bond, bond, combination
bone (n) bone, core, essence
bony (aj) skinny
book (n) book
boom (n) prosperity, knot pole
boon (n) benefit, very useful thing
boot (n) boots, Kick
bore (v) bore, bore, dig
born (v) birth, form
boss (n) boss, leader
both (pron) both
bout (n) once, for a while, for a game
bowl (n) bowl
brag (v ) brag
bran (n) bran
brat (n) a person without rules, a naughty boy
brew (v) brew, brew
brim (n) edge, edge, brim
brow (n) eyebrow, ridge, top of slope
buck (n) buck, Australian dollar
buff (n) lover, beige
bulb (n) light bulb, bulb
bulk (n) large quantity (buy and sell), volume, most
bull (n) bull, rough guy, nonsense
bump (n) impact, lump
bunk (n) sleeper, bunk bed
buoy (n ) buoy, navigation mark
burn (v) burn, light, burn
bury (v) bury
bush (n) bush
bust (v) break, raid
busy (aj) busy
butt (n) butt, cigarette butt, gun butt, vat
buzz ( n) buzz, excitement
cafe (n) cafe
cage (n) cage
cake ( n) Cake, pie
calf (n) calf, calf
call (v) call, call, call
calm (aj) quiet, calm
camp (n) camp, barracks
cane (n) cane, stem, cane
cape (n) cape, cloak, shawl
card (n) credit card, greeting card, plug-in, weirdo
care (n) care, care, care
cart (n) trolley, delivery carriage
case (n) case, situation, box, case, case
cash (n) cash, funds
cast (v) projection, investment, arrangement, elimination (n) Cast
cave (n) cave
cede (v) cede, give... to
cell (n) cell, battery, cell, grassroots organization
chap (n) person, young man, cheek
char (v) burn... into charcoal, burnt
chat (n) chat
chef (n) chef
chew (v) chew, bite
chic (aj) fashionable, elegant
chin ( n) chin
chip (n) chip, French fries, chip, notch
chop (n) pork chop (v) chop, chop
chug ( v) drink it all in one go
chum (v) live in the same room
cite (v) mention, give an example, quote, summon, commend
city (n) city
clad (aj)...covered
clam (n) clam, clam
clan (n) family, gang, Sect
clap (v) clap, clap
claw (n) pliers, claws
clay (n) clay, clay
clip (v) clip, clamp, trim, cut
clog (v) clog, influence, hinder
clot (v) (make) coagulate, agglomerate
club (n) club, society, meeting
clue (n) clue, prompt
coal (n) coal
coat (n) coat , coat
coax (v) to persuade, coax
coca (n) coca
cock (n) cock
code (n) cipher, code
coed (aj) coed
coil (v) roll, curl
coin (n) coin
coke (n) coke, cocaine, Coca-Cola
cold (aj) cold, indifferent
coma (n) coma
comb ( n) comb (v) search, comb
come (v) come, happen, become
cone (n) cone
cook (v) cooking , cook (n) cook
cool (aj) cool, indifferent, outstanding
cope (v) deal with, handle properly, fight
copy (v) copy, imitate
cord (n) string, soft thread
core (n) core, essence
cork (n) wooden plug, plastic plug
corn (n) corn
cost (n) cost, expense, cost
coup (n) coup
cove (n) small bay, valley
cozy (aj) close, warm and comfortable
crab (n) crab
cram (v) stuff... Enter, stuff, rote
crap (n) nonsense, nonsense
crew (n) the whole crew, a group of people
crib (n) crib, feed trough
crop (n) crops, yield, a group of people
crow (n) crows
crux (n) key, most difficult point, crux
cube (n) cube, third power
cuff (n) cuff, wristband (v) handcuffs
cull (v) pick, collect
cult (n) worship, religious customs
curb (v) suppression
cure (v) treatment, cure
curl (v) curling, bending
cute (aj) cute
cyst (n) cyst, cyst
Czar (n) czar
damn (adv) damn
damp (aj) damp, slightly damp
dank (aj) cold and damp
dare (n) challenge (v) dare
dark (aj) dark, gloomy, dark
dart (v) throw, rush, rush (n) dart
data (n) information, data
date (n) date, date, date
dawn (n) dawn, dawn
dead (aj) numb, dead, exhausted
dash (v) dash, gallop
deaf (aj) deaf
deal (v ) deal with, deal with, distribute, play cards, discuss
dean (n) dean of the department
dear (n) lovely person (aj) expensive, precious
debt (n) debt, favor, arrears
deck (n) deck
deed (n) behavior, certificate, merit, deeds
deem (v) think, believe
deep (aj) deep, thick, strong
deer (n) deer
deft (aj) skillful, defy
defy (vt) defy, defy, withstand
deli (n) delicatessen
demo (n) sample record, Demonstration
dent (n) dent
deny (v) deny, deny, refuse to admit
desk (n) desk, writing desk
dial (n) dial, dial
dice (n) dice
dick (n) penis, idiot, private detective
diet (n) Daily diet, diet
dill (n) fennel
dime (n) ten cents
dine (v) meal, meal
dire (aj) critical, extremely bad
dirt (n) dirt, scandal
disc (n) disk, turntable
dish (n ) plate, dish, a dish
disk (n) disk
diva (n) famous singer
dive (v) dash, dive
p>dock (n) dock, dock
doll (n) doll, doll, beauty
dome (n) dome, dome
Doom (v) dooms...
door (n) door, way, facade
dope (n) stimulant, drug
dorm (n) ) dormitory
dose (n) a dose, dosage
dove (n) pigeon
down (prep) along, toward, down
doze (v) doze, doze
drab (aj) monotonous, lifeless
drag (v) drag
draw (v ) draw, pull, draw out, infer
drip (v) drop
drop (v) drop, lower (n) drop
drug (n) Drugs, drugs
drum (n) drum
dual (aj) double, double
duct (n) catheter, tube
dude (n) buddy, boy
duck (n) duck
duel (n) double duel
duet (n) duet, duet
p>duke (n) Duke
dull (aj) dull, boring
duly (adv) appropriately, on time
dumb (aj) dumb
dump (v) dump, sell, abandon
dune (n) sand dune
dung (n) dung
dunk (v) dunk, dip
dupe (n) a fooled person, a blind follower
dusk (n) dusk
dust ( n) dust, powder
duty (n) responsibility, obligation, duty, tax
each (aj) every
earn (v) win, earn
ease (n) easy, convenient, comfortable
east (n) east
easy (aj) easy , comfortable, easy
echo (n) echo, echo, imitation
edge (n) edge, advantage, edge, advantage
edgy (aj ) nervous, exciting
edit (v) edit, revise, edit
else (adv) additionally, other
emit (v) emit, Emission
emmy (n) Emmy Award
envy (v) envy, jealousy
epic (n) epic, feat
etch (v) to etch, to engrave
euro (n) euro
even (adv) even, even, yet, actually
ever (adv) ever , never, always, sometimes
evil (aj) vicious, harmful
exam (n) examination, inspection
exec (n) (company ) manager
exit (n) exit, exit, way out
face (n) face, surface (vt) face
fact (n) reality, fact
fade (v) fade, weaken
fail (v) fail, collapse, fail
fair ( aj) reasonable, fair, fair, light-colored
fake (aj) fake, forged
fall (v) fall, fall, fall, fall (n ) autumn
fame (n) reputation, fame
fang (n) fangs, fangs
fare (n) expenses, food
farm (n) farm, farmhouse
fast (adv) fast, soon, immediately
fate (n) fate, providence
feud (n) Feud, long-term anger
fear (n) fear, worry
feat (n) achievement, martial arts
feed (v) feeding, supply
feel (v) feel, touch
fend (v) take care of, dodge, work hard
fern (n) fern
fiat (n) order, decree, edict
file (n) file, folder, file
fill (v) fill, satisfy, diffuse, take charge
film (n) film, film, film, layer
find (v) discover, find, judge
fine (aj) beautiful, healthy, exquisite
Finn (n) Finn
fire (n) fire, firepower, shooting
firm (aj) hard, solid, fixed (n) company
fish (n) fish
fist (n) fist
five (num) five
flag (n) flag
flak (n) anti-aircraft gun, severe criticism, criticism
flap (v) flap, swing, worry
flat (aj) flat, boring, Depressed, plain
flaw (n) error, shortcoming, crack, defect
flea (n) flea
flee (v) escape, escape
flex (v) bend
flip (v) flip through quickly, throw
flit (v) fly over, migrate, move
flop (v) movement, complete failure
flow (n) flow, flow, smooth
flux (n) flow, constant change
foam ( n) foam
foil (n) foil, foil, foil
fold (v) fold, package
folk (n) people, relatives, Folk music
fond (aj) favorite, unrealistic
font (n) baptistery, font
food (n) food
fool (n) fool, jester
foot (n) foot, bottom, foot
fore (aj) front
fork (n) fork, fork of the road
form (n) form, form, shape, appearance
fort (n) fort, barracks, fortress
foul (aj) dirty, smelly, very bad
four (num) four
fray (v) worn, annoyed
free (aj) Free, free, as you please
fret (v) distress, anxiety
frog (n) frog
from (prep) starting from, from
fuck (v) to have sex with, to destroy
fuel (n) fuel, fuel
full (aj) full, a lot
fume (v) smoke, steam
fund (n) fund, reserve, capital
funk (n) sadness, depression, fear
fury (n) get angry
fuse (v) combine, fuse, melt
fuss (n) make a fuss, protest, fuss, trouble
G :
gain (v) gain, increase
gait (n) gait, footwork
gala (n) event, performance, celebration
gale (n) strong wind, hurricane
gall (v) anger, wear and tear
game (n) game, competition, strategy, strategy
gang (n) a group, a group, a group
gape (v) gape to look at, open
garb (n) clothing, fancy clothes
gash (n) wound, incision
gasp (v) gasp
gate (n) gate, gate
gaze (v) stare
, watch
gear (n) gear, gear, transmission, appliance
geek (n) abnormal person, deformed person, savage
gene (n ) gene
germ (n) microorganism, germ, origin, bacteria
gift (n) gift, talent, talent
gill (n) gill
girl (n) girl
give (v) give, give, provide, donate
glad (aj) happy, pleasant
glee (n) happy, gloating
glow (v) glowing, radiant (n) joy
glue (n) glue
gnaw (v) bite, gnaw
goal (n) goal, goal, shot
goat (n) goat, old pervert
gold (n) gold, gold coin, gold
golf (n) golf sport
good (aj) good, high quality, effective
gosh (int) aah
gown (n) pajamas, women's skirts
grab (v) grab, win, seize
grad (n) graduate
gray (aj) gray, gloomy
grid (n) grid, square
grim (aj) sad, cold, cruel
grin (v) grinning
grip (v) grip, bite, clamp
grit (n) courage, grit, perseverance
grow (v) grow, plant, produce, expand
gulf (n) bay, gap, barrier
gull (n) seagull
gulp (v) Gobble up
guru (n) master, expert, authority
gush (v) gush out, praise excessively
gust (n) a strong wind, explode
hack (v) chop, hack, invade illegally
hail (v) come from, greet (n) hail
hair (n) hair
half (n) half, half court
hall (n) hall, auditorium
halo (n) halo
halt (v) prevent, interrupt
hand (n) hand, pointer, control
hang (v) hang, hang
hard ( aj) solid, difficult, hard, cold
hare (n) hare
harm (n) harm, damage
harp (n) Harp
hate (v) hate, hate
haul (v) pull, drag
have (v) possess, master, experience
hawk (n) eagle, main combatant
haze (n) smoke, confusion
hazy (aj) hazy, vague
head ( n) Head, person in charge, intelligence
heal (v) recovery, treatment
heap (n) a lot, a lot
hear (v) hear, hear
heat (n) heat, temperature, pressure
heed (n) attention
heel (n) heel
heir ( n) heir, successor
hell (n) hell, miserable situation
helm (n) tiller
help (v) help, promote
hemp (n) cannabis
herb (n) herb, vanilla
here (adv) now, to here
hero (n)
Hero, hero
hers (pron) hers
hide (v) hide, cover up
high (aj) high, excited
hike (n) hiking
hill (n) hill, slope
hind (aj) behind
hint (n) hint, Tips, signs, tips
hire (v) hire, rent
hiss (n) hiss
hive (n) hive, beehive
hoax (n) scam, prank
hold (v) hold, catch, hold, hold, accommodate, think
hole (n) hole, hole, pit, loophole
holy (aj) sacred, holy
home (n) home, residence
hone (v) temper, miss
honk (n) goose honk, car horn sound
hood (n) cover, hood
hoof (n) hoof
hook ( n) hook, gimmick, curve ball
hoop (n) hoop, hoop, hoop
hoot (n) laugh, shout, trumpet
hope (v) hope
horn (n) horn, horn
hose (n) water pipe, socks
host (n) owner, many , a lot
hour (n) hours
howl (n) howl, howl
huff (v) say angrily, angrily
huge (aj) huge, extremely, very successful
hull (n) hull, hull
hump (n) mound, hump
hunk (hulk, hunk)
hunt (v) hunting, searching
hurl (v) throwing hard, scolding loudly, vomiting
hurt (v) injury, damage
hush (n) silence, quiet
husk (n) outer skin
hymn (n) hymn, hymn
hype (n) promotional advertising
iced (aj) iced, with ice cubes
icon (n) icon, Idol, icon
idea (n) idea, idea, plan, intention
idle (aj) lazy, idle, ineffective
idly ( adv) carelessly
idol (n) idol, idol
imam (n) Imam, title of Islamic leader
inch (n) inch
info (n) information, information
into (prep) into..., become... status
ipod (n) Apple player
iris (n) iris, iris
iron (n) iron, iron
itch (v) desire, itching
item (n) item , terms, a commodity
jack (n) jack, socket, socket
jail (n) prison, prison
jazz (n) jazz
jeep (n) jeep
jerk (v) push, sudden change
join (v) join, participate, Connect, participate
joke (n) joke, laughing stock
jolt (v) bump, wake up
jump (v) jump, cross
junk (n) useless things, garbage
jury (n) jury
just (adv) just, just, just, just
K :
keen (aj) enthusiastic, sharp, agile
keep (v) keep, save, prevent, hinder
kick (v) kick, kick
kill (v) kill
kiln (n) kiln
kind (n) kind (aj) friendly, considerate
king (n) king, monarch
kiss (v) kiss
kite (n) kite, kite
knee (n) knee
knit (v) braid
knob (n) knob, knot, knot, ball handle
knot (n) knot, bun, knot
know (v) know, understand, realize
kurd (n) Kurdish
lace (n) lace, lace
lack (n) lack, shortage
lady (n) lady, lady
lake (n) lake
lamb (n) lamb
lamp (n) light
land (n) land, land
lane (n) lane, alley, alley
lash (v) whip, hit
last (aj) nearest, last, last
late (aj) late, late, deceased of
lazy (aj) lazy
laud (v) praise, praise
lava (n) magma, volcanic rock
lawn (n) lawn, grassland
lead (vt) guide, cause
leaf (n) leaf
leak (v) leak, reveal, spread
lean (v) lean, lean
leap (v) jump, rush
leek (n) leek
left (aj ) on the left
lend (v) lend, lend
lens (n) lens, lens, lens (eye)
less (adv) less less, less
lest (conj) lest
levy (v) levy
liar (n) liar
lick ( v) lick, pat, beat
lieu (n) replace
life (n) life, life, life
lift (v) lift, lift, cancel (n) elevator
like (prep) such as, like
lily (n) lily
limb (n) limb, branch
lime (n) lime, lime, linden
limp (v) limp, difficult movement
line (n) line, wrinkle, row, column, Line
link (v) connect, connect...
lion (n) lion, warrior
list (n) table, list, tilt
lite (aj) low-calorie
live (v) live, survive, live
load (v) load, load
loaf (n) a loaf of bread, wandering
loan (v) lending, loaning
lobe (n) lobe
lock (v) lock (n) ) lock
loft (n) loft
logo (n) sign
loin (n) waist, sexual organ (person)
lone (aj) alone, single parent
long (aj) long, long-lasting
look (v) look, search, face, seem
loom (v) appears faintly
<p>loop (n) ring, circle
loot (v) plunder, robbery
lord (n) master, adult
lore (n) legend
lose (v) loss, loss
loss (n) loss, loss, loss
loud (aj) loud, loud, noisy
love (v) love, like
luck (n) luck, luck
lull (v) ease, relax
lump ( n) lump
lung (n) lung
lure (v) attract, tempt
lurk (v) lurk
lush ( aj) luxurious, extravagant
lust (n) lust, lust
maid (n) maid, girl
mail (n) mail, letter
main (aj) main, most important
make (v) make, do, cause, make into
male (aj) male,
mall (n) shopping mall
mane (n) mane, long hair, thick hair
many (pron) ) many
mare (n) mare, female donkey
mark (n) stain, trace, symbol, score, label
mash (v) pound Broken
mask (n) mask, cover up
mass (n) block, group, people, mass, volume, body
mast (n) ship mast , flagpole, antenna pole
mate (n) colleague, partner
math (n) mathematics
maze (n) maze, intricate
meal (n) a meal, meal
mean (v) means, intend
meat (n) meat, important part
meek (aj) docile, cowardly
meet (v) meet, meet, greet
meld (v) combine
melt (v) melt
mend (v) mend, repair, mend
menu (n) menu
mere (aj) mere, nothing more
mesa (n) Fangshan
mesh (n) mesh, trap, trap
mess (n) chaos, mess, dirty
mild ( aj) gentle, not harsh
milk (n) milk, milk
mill (n) mill, factory, flour mill
memo (n) Memo
mind (n) mind, mind, wisdom
mine (pron) my (n) mine, mine
mini (n) miniskirt
p>mink (n) mink, mink, mink coat
mint (n) mint, mint
mire (n) silt, insult
miss (v) miss, miss, fail to catch up
mist (n) mist, water vapor
mite (n) mite
mitt (n) Baseball glove
Mock (v) ridicule, contempt
mode (n) way, style, working condition
mold (n) mold, mold
mole (n) mole, traitor, mole, jetty
monk (n) monk
mood (n) mood, atmosphere, mood
moon (n) moon
moot (aj) meaningless
more (adv) more... ground
moss (n) moss
, lichen
most (adv) most, largest, most
moth (n) moth
move (v) move, propose, move
much (adv) very, very, very much
muck (n) manure, humus
mule (n) mule, chilblain
mull (v) mess up, smash
muse (v) meditate, meditate
must (v) must, must, should
mute (aj) mute, silent
mutt (n) dog, mutt
myth (n) myth
nail ( n) nail, fingernail
name (n) name, name, reputation
nave (n) church hall
navy (n) navy
nazi (n) Nazis
near (aj) close, approximate
neat (aj) neat, orderly
neck (n) neck, neck
need (v) need
neon (n) neon
nerd (n) nerd, annoying person
nest (n) nest, bird's nest
news (n) news, news
next (adv) followed by (aj) secondly
nice (aj) pleasant, subtle, pleasant
nine (num) nine
node (n) node, stem node
none (pron) No one, no one
nook (n) secluded place
noon (n) noon
norm (n) norm, standard of conduct, normalcy
nope (adv) not
nose (n) nose, sense of smell
note (n) notes, records, notes, banknotes, musical notes
noun (n) noun
nude (aj) naked
null (aj) worthless, useless
nuts (aj) crazy Yes, fanatical