It would be better if you have a savings card from this bank. If you don't, you don't need a special savings card. The extra part can be consumed by shopping or charging the phone bill. If it is not just right, you can simply spend a little more, and the amount owed will be repaid by Alipay or mobile banking according to the amount (for example, if the credit card is 25.6 yuan more, you can recharge your 30 yuan and then repay 4.4 yuan with the credit card).
2. Destroy the card and unbind the payment withholding agreement of the payment platform. When you cancel, the customer service will teach you how to cut the credit card and remind you not to increase new consumption. At this time, we need to check the previous binding records on platforms such as Alipay, WeChat, Meituan, mobile phone automatic recharge or water and electricity withholding, and immediately cancel the binding to avoid new consumption;
3. Call customer service to confirm the result. Credit card cancellation period is generally 45 days. Time has passed, call the bank customer service to confirm whether the card is successfully returned. Friends who are afraid of forgetting can make a memo or set an alarm clock.
4. Refusing the card does not mean canceling the account. If it is determined that it is not necessary, it is best to cancel the card and cancel the account at the same time. If you just return your card, you won't be able to enjoy the treatment and preferential treatment of new customers the next time you apply for a credit card from the same bank, and canceling your account can avoid this problem. Therefore, it is best to cancel the account corresponding to the card at the same time.