A lot of important credit card information is marked on the face of the credit card, such as credit card number, credit card security code, credit card expiration date, etc. If this kind of information is leaked because it is not well protected, credit card security will face a great threat.
Someone who is interested may use the obtained credit card information to make purchases directly online and commit illegal fraud on credit cards. causing the holder to suffer losses. Fortunately, if the fraudulent amount is recovered, the cardholder's losses can be compensated. If the amount is not recovered, the cardholder will have to bear the loss out of his own pocket for the sake of his credit.
In the event that credit card information is leaked, it is best for everyone to take the following countermeasures in a timely manner to minimize the risk.
1. As soon as you discover that the credit card information is at risk of being leaked, call the bank's customer service hotline, follow the voice prompts to be transferred to manual customer service, and then ask the customer service to help report the loss of the credit card. After the credit card loss is successfully reported, the card automatically enters the stop payment state and normal payment transactions are no longer possible;
2. After the credit card loss is reported, go to the bank to apply for a new credit card. The modified front and back information of the new card can effectively reduce various risks caused by the leakage of old card information.
3. After the cardholder obtains a new card and completes the activation, he or she can make normal purchases and swipe the card. Don’t be careless when disposing of old cards. It’s best to use card cutting.