I personally believe that online loans and credit cards are not two different things. Credit cards cannot destroy contemporary young people, but online loans may really destroy contemporary young people. The reason is that I think the interest on online loans is actually a trap. The interest is too high, making it a bit unaffordable for today's young people. But if it is credit cards, Huabei, Baitiao, etc., I think these are It can promote consumption and help meet some of the needs of today's young people. It is very necessary, but remember not to go for online loans. The risks of online loans are really too great. There are many tragedies of online loans that serve as lessons from the past. .
The original purpose of credit cards is to meet the current needs of some people, but if they don’t have money, they use credit cards to borrow money. I think this is very necessary, because if you have money, you should spend it when you are young. Well, and credit cards can establish a modern social credit system. The United States is a highly credit-worthy society, and most young people in the United States use credit cards to spend ahead of time and live a very prosperous life. Although they will repay the loan for a lifetime, they My life is really enviable, but China is relatively conservative. Most people choose to save money and endure hardships when they are young, and then take a proper rest when they are middle-aged and old.
I personally feel that the risk of online loans is too high, because it is very possible to fall into a trap. The interest of online loans is compounded. It is very likely that a small amount of money will be borrowed at first, and then it will gradually grow into a large amount. It's hard to pay, this is a scam.
Finally, I think online loans may destroy young people, but advanced consumption such as credit cards and Huabei is very necessary, because today’s young people have this need and must meet it.