As we all know, credit cards are very convenient, but most people use personal credit cards. People have heard less about corporate credit cards. So what does a corporate credit card mean?
Company credit card is also called "corporate credit card". It can transfer funds through the company's basic account, but cannot withdraw cash. Moreover, it is based on the self-service loan method, which is very convenient for companies because it can A lot less tedious trouble.
The difference between corporate credit cards and personal credit cards
1. Different applicable groups: Corporate credit cards are credit cards launched by banks for businesses, while personal credit cards are mainly for ordinary consumers;
< p>2. The annual fee collection method is different: the annual fee of corporate credit card is generally paid by the company, while the credit card is paid by the cardholder personally;3. Different purposes: corporate credit card is generally used for loans, while Personal credit cards are mainly used for consumption and withdrawals.
Of course, whether it is a corporate credit card or a personal credit card, everyone must use the card well, which is also good for increasing the limit.