Many people like to add more money to their credit cards in order to prevent credit card debt. However, many people have not thought that if they charge more money, even if they charge 1 yuan more, it will cause unnecessary trouble. Let’s find out together below. What will happen if you pay off an extra $1 on your credit card? Having too many credit cards will also cause bad debts, which will appear on your personal credit report and seriously affect your personal record. For example, if you owe ** bank credit card 9,999 yuan, which is only one yuan away from 10,000 yuan, you repay 10,000 yuan as soon as you are happy. If you pay one yuan more and do not withdraw it for a long time, it will also cause bad debts. (That is, you have not used your credit card for a long time, but there are still extra paid charges in the card.) It is recommended to cancel the card that has not been used for a long time, so as not to become a sleep card. At this time, it is necessary to withdraw the excess payment and cancel the account. After closing the account, you will find that some banks will quickly update the letter to indicate that the account has been closed, or even classify it into a non-overdue account (but you should ask clearly before closing the account, some banks are very bad, and even after closing the account, there will still be bad debts) . How to withdraw this 1 yuan? You can use this 1 yuan by swiping your card, but now you can’t buy anything with 1 yuan. If you want to use it by swiping your card, you may have to use your credit card overdraft limit, and you still have to repay it later. Next Don't overpay the first repayment, as this method will handle it faster. I would like to remind all cardholders that during the credit card repayment process, you must pay attention to just the right amount. In order to avoid bad debts, you must not pay too much. If you think there is trouble in making change for repayment, you can directly use WeChat, Alipay or Credit card APP repayment.