Compared with China, the time difference in daylight saving time (from the last Sunday in March) is -5 hours, and that in winter time (from the last Sunday in October) is -6 hours. The working hours of government agencies are from 9: to 18: , Saturdays and Sundays are rest days, and the lunch break is generally one hour. Most restaurants work from 12: to 24: , banks and most private institutions work from 9: to 18: , and some supermarkets are open 24 hours.
currency, cash and credit cards
currency: Ukrainian currency unit is Grivner (UHR), with denominations of 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 5, 1 and 2. One Grivner equals 1 kopecks, and the kopecks have denominations of 1, 2, 5, 1, 25 and 5.
cash: it is recommended to bring US dollars and euros. There are many foreign exchange points in major cities in Ukraine, which can be exchanged at will with your passport. Please don't exchange coins with individuals just in case, because RMB is not circulated there.
Credit card: Credit cards are generally not used except for high-end hotels, western-style restaurants, international airlines and a few shops. The credit cards commonly used are American Express, MasterCard and Visa. With credit cards, you can withdraw money from ATMs in shops, hotels, banks, post offices and main streets, and with traveler's checks, you can withdraw money from some banks. However, it should be reminded that traveler's checks and credit cards are not universal in Ukraine, and many hotels, restaurants and shops only accept cash.