As long as you have good credit, comply with bank regulations, and have a mortgage, you can apply for a credit card, and it will help increase the limit; please refer to the regulations for applying for a credit card as follows:
1. Age requirements: Aged under Between 18 and 65 years old;
2. Income and asset requirements: stable career and income;
3. Credit and ability requirements: good credit and on-time repayment Ability to pay interest;
4. Have full capacity for civil conduct;
5. Provide original copies of various certificates.
The Bank of Communications limit is generally pretty good. To give you a reference, my Bank of China mortgage loan is 540,000 yuan. My monthly income is 7,500 yuan. I also applied for a credit card and it was 25,000 yuan. Each bank is not necessarily the same, and the randomness is very high. Maybe we have the same conditions, the same job, the same bank, and submit the same information at the same time. Maybe your character is better than mine. You may be able to do 50,000 yuan, and I can do 10,000 yuan. This is normal. It is recommended to track your processing progress on the website at any time. I personally estimate the amount to be between 15,000 and 33,000.
The authenticity of the submitted information is very important. When I applied for a CCB credit card, my colleague and I submitted the information together. My income was written as more than 9,000, and my colleague wrote 4,300. As a result, the card I applied for It’s 5,000, and my colleague’s is 20,000.