The 6 cm reference object has a cigarette case and a human thumb.
6 cm is about as long as the width of the front of the cigarette case. In general, the length of thumb of adult male is about 5-6 cm from the root to the fingertip, and the length of index finger of adult female is about 6-7 cm from the root to the fingertip.
In addition to cigarette cases and reference objects whose fingers are 6 cm long, there are some things in life, for example, the diameter of plastic mineral water bottles is almost 6 cm long, and the heels of some high heels and 2-inch photos are almost 6 cm wide.
the first basic quantity in the international system of units is length, and the basic unit name is meter. centimeter is not an international unit, but a unit of length measurement, and 1 centimeter equals 1 millimeters equals .1 meter.