When many people apply for a credit card for the first time, the amount is generally not too high, and they can only increase the amount by using more credit cards and maintaining a good credit record. Credit card stickers of China Everbright Bank often need to be scored comprehensively. If the comprehensive score is insufficient, it is impossible to raise the amount. What should I do if the credit card score of China Everbright Bank is insufficient?
what should I do if the credit card withdrawal score is insufficient?
1. Use the credit card of China Everbright Bank for credit card spending, and the total amount of spending per month should be at least 3% of the total amount, so that the bank will think that you have this consumption demand.
2 repayment on time, credit card holders' performance ability is highly valued by banks, and occasionally they can choose to repay by installments appropriately, and banks will prefer this kind of users.
3 deposit plus wealth management, and appropriately purchase some wealth management products launched by China Everbright Bank to prove your repayment ability.
The above are some solutions to the problem of insufficient credit rating when raising the amount. Of course, the above suggestions need to be accumulated over time. Maintaining a good credit card record is a necessary condition for the credit card withdrawal of China Everbright Bank.