The advance payment of a credit card means that a certain amount of money needs to be deposited in advance during the opening or use of the credit card, so that the corresponding amount of expenses can be directly deducted from the advance payment when using the credit card in the future. Usually, the amount of advance payment is related to the amount of credit card. The higher the amount of advance payment, the greater the amount of credit card.
The advance payment of credit card has a certain protection function for both banks and cardholders. For banks, advance payment can effectively control risks, because advance payment is not equal to the credit card limit, which can effectively avoid the unrecoverable expenses caused by cardholders exceeding the credit card limit. For cardholders, advance payment can reduce the cost of using credit cards, and if it can be recharged in time, it can also earn some interest income.
It should be reminded that not all credit cards have advance payment. Therefore, when choosing a credit card, you need to carefully understand its relevant terms and compare them in order to choose a credit card that suits you. At the same time, when using credit card advance payment, you also need to pay attention to the daily account payment balance and transaction details to ensure that your credit card usage is true, accurate and standardized.