I have owed more than 1,000 yuan to Bank of China on my credit card for four years and have been paying back the interest. If the due payment date is exceeded, corresponding interest and repayment penalty will be incurred. The late payment penalty for overdue credit card is: minimum repayment amount 5 for the part that cannot be paid off. The formula for calculating overdue interest on credit cards: Overdue interest on credit cards = last month’s consumption * number of overdue days * 0.0005. There are three numbers in the above formula for calculating overdue interest on credit cards, namely the overdue amount, the number of days overdue and the daily interest. Rate.
The meanings of these three numbers are introduced below. 1. Last month’s consumption amount: If you spent 10,000 yuan last month, even if you have repaid 9,999 yuan, then if you owe 1 yuan, the credit card overdue interest will be calculated as if you owe 10,000 yuan. Therefore, try not to have an overdue credit card, otherwise, if you have spent last month, The amount is very large, and the basis for calculating interest is too large. 2. Number of days overdue Because credit card overdue interest is calculated on a daily basis, the number of days overdue on a credit card is also important. The number of overdue days refers to the number of days from the billing date to the current billing date. 3. Daily interest rate. The daily interest rate for overdue interest on credit cards is uniformly stipulated to be 50,000 per day, which is 0.0005.