Of course, if you have applied for a loan for your family, then individuals will also affect family members, such as mortgage.
If the credit card is not returned, the bank will notify the penalty interest by SMS first. If you don't pay it back, the bank will send a lawyer's letter to collect it until a lawsuit is filed.
If you refuse to repay, individuals or families will not be able to use bank loans.
As for whether your divorce has nothing to do with credit card debt, you can divorce or remarry, and leave the debt to be paid off.
Financial services that maliciously fail to repay basic loans will no longer be supported.
Of course, if you haven't returned one party's credit card and the other party hasn't overdue the credit card, then the divorced party who hasn't overdue can unilaterally apply for loan financial services, and remarriage will not affect the loan contract that has already been formed (if you can't apply again after remarriage), but you still need to return it after remarriage. .