You will understand when you look at this picture. Everyone knows that there is a grace period when using a credit card. Occasionally, it is no problem to forget to pay back the loan the next day. No late payment fees or liquidated damages will be incurred. You won’t go to the credit bureau, but once you apply for an industrial and commercial credit card, you are applying for a time bomb. A one-time delay in repayment, late fees, liquidated damages, and interest are all trivial matters. You can directly go to the credit bureau system, and you will get more loans to buy a house or a car in the future. If you need to check your personal credit report, you will be ruined. Take me for example. Now I look like a scumbag who is not promised, more like a financial fraudster. From now on, I am half shorter than others when I go out. ICBC, I love you to death~