Refer to my love card to answer illegal questions. There are formal ways to raise the amount. Credit card spending is the most effective way to help you increase your credit limit. If you can swipe your card, you can swipe it. You have a fixed credit card record every month and a stable credit line, which shows that you use your card frequently and have high loyalty to the bank. In less than 3 months, your credit limit will be automatically increased. It is more important to repay the loan on time. It's not difficult to borrow it again. Everyone knows this truth, and banks are no exception. Don't owe the bank money, but it's not worth the candle.
Active application is more effective. In order to retain customers, some small banks will generally accept your withdrawal application. Usually, after the cardholder normally uses the credit card for half a year, he/she can take the initiative to submit a written application or adjust the credit card limit through telephone service, and the bank will increase the limit after approval.