Forget it, don’t swipe the whole number to cash out, and if you want to get more than 80%, you have to swipe the card more than ten times. The credit card market is very chaotic now, and bank supervision is very strict. When you can use a credit card for daily consumption, try to use a credit card to pay for your daily expenses. Maintain an average of 5-30 transactions per month for a few months, and you can usually increase the limit
China Merchants Bank Credit Card:
If you apply for a China Merchants Bank Credit Card, you need to be between 18 and 60 years old, with a stable job and income. The necessary application documents are a copy of your identity certificate and a work certification document, both of which are indispensable. . If you can provide other supporting documents of financial resources, it will be more helpful for us to understand your personal situation and determine your credit limit. If you meet the requirements, you can try to apply.
The detailed application information is as follows:
1. Proof of identity: usually an ID card (if you are using a new version of the ID card, a copy of the front and back is required); military personnel need to provide a military ID card Copies; foreigners: passport and residence permit or employment permit; Taiwanese: Taiwan compatriot permit and employment permit; Hong Kong and Macao residents: return permit and employment permit/residence permit); temporary ID cards cannot be applied for.
2. Work certificate: It can be the original work certificate issued by the employer (please indicate the specific company name, department, position and income, and stamp the company seal or personnel seal), or it can be promoted A copy of the work permit/plate that has been verified by the original and marked by the staff;
3. Proof of financial resources: If you want to apply for a China Merchants Bank credit card or a gold card with a relatively large credit limit, it is recommended to provide more financial resources. information. It can be salary records issued by the bank, or income tax withholding vouchers, or documents proving the market value of houses, cars, deposits and investments (such as copies of real estate certificates/car driving licenses/bank time deposit certificates) and other documents that can prove your financial level.
Other documents available for reference include: social security personal account list for the past 6 months, water and gas bills, credit card bills from other banks, etc. The main ones are your large deposit slips, real estate certificates, and copies of driving licenses for high-end private cars. If you can provide relatively complete financial documentation, it will be more helpful for us to understand your personal situation and determine your credit limit. If the local branch has clear regulations, the regulations of the local branch shall prevail. The issuance of the credit card shall be subject to the final review result. If you need to apply for a credit card, go to the nearest branch to apply for it.