If you know whether the credit card is blocked, you can use the credit card to pay when buying things. If the credit card can pay the money, the credit card is not blocked at this time. If the credit card cannot be paid, the credit card will be blocked. Users can also directly call the bank's credit card customer service hotline for consultation, so that they can know whether the credit card has been blocked.
Credit cards are blocked for many reasons, such as long-term overdue credit card payments, credit card cashouts, account abnormalities, etc. After a credit card is blocked, users must find out the reasons in time and make corrections. Whether it can be resumed later requires a comprehensive judgment by the bank.
Users must abide by the bank's regulations when using credit cards on a daily basis. For example, credit cards can only be used for swiping purchases, and the balance must be paid back on the repayment date after using the credit card. When using a credit card, be sure to know the repayment date and statement date to avoid missing the repayment date.
Late repayment on a credit card will result in penalty interest. The longer the period, the more penalty interest will be incurred. Moreover, after overdue repayment, the bank will upload the overdue records to the credit reference center. When personal credit becomes bad, it will affect the processing of various loans, such as car loans and housing loans. Of course, other conditions are required when applying for loans.