Today’s college students have several standard things when going to school, including computers, mobile phones and credit cards! Credit cards are very popular among college students for their functions of overdraft and no need to bring cash for consumption. However, many college students don’t know much about this small card. They have only a limited understanding of the credit limit, interest-free period, billing date, how to pay off the credit card, etc. Read this article to answer your questions and explain it in detail. Xiao Zhang is a student at a major high school in a university town. His parents usually transfer about 10,000 yuan for a year's living expenses into his account at the beginning of each school year. Xiao Zhang heard that you can earn some interest by making good use of the interest-free period on your credit card. I recently applied for China Construction Bank’s Long Card famous school credit card. Seeing that the credit card has my school’s logo on it, I feel a special sense of belonging. I like to use it when I go shopping. I don’t need to bring cash. When shopping exceeds the budget, you can also overdraft. But there is one thing that bothers Xiao Zhang, that is, repayment is particularly troublesome. The CCB ATM machine in the university town does not have a deposit function. Every time you repay the money, you have to go outside the university town. If you use another bank to pay the CCB bank, you will be charged bank fees. How to pay off the credit card stumped Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang encountered the problem of how to repay his credit card because he did not have a thorough understanding of how to repay his credit card. There are many ways to pay off credit cards, and Xiao Zhang used two. The first one is the most primitive, which is to take cash and deposit it at an ATM machine to pay back the overdraft. The shortcomings of this method are particularly obvious for Xiao Zhang, that is, the bank's ATM machine may be far away from him, repayment through the ATM machine takes a long time, and inter-bank ATM machine repayment requires a handling fee. The second is to use online banking. If you have a debit card that goes with your credit card, you can transfer money directly through online banking without any handling fees. However, there are two disadvantages. First, the interest rate for the life of the money on the debit card is very low; second, you need to ensure that the debit card There must be enough money for repayment, otherwise it will involve inter-bank transfers, and the problem of handling fees cannot be avoided. So is there a way to actually solve the problem of how college students pay off their credit cards? The answer is yes. Now there is a brand new repayment method - using Guangfa Fund's wallet to repay credit cards. To top up the money bag of GF Fund is actually to purchase GF Monetary Fund, but it is more powerful than the general currency fund. Take Xiao Zhang as an example. He can use the 10,000 yuan remitted by his parents to buy a GF money bag, and then use the money bag to pay off his credit card. This has many benefits: First, when the credit card needs to be repaid, he only needs to do it online. There is no need to go to a bank branch to make a payment; secondly, even if the card and credit card used to recharge the wallet do not belong to the same bank, there is no handling fee for repayment; finally, use the interest-free period to enjoy the income from money market funds, and put the money away when you don’t need it. In Guangfa's money bag, liquidity is good, and you can also get returns that are higher than the bank's deposit interest rate for the same period. For example, the net value growth rate of GF Currency A last year was 4.16, and the net value growth rate of GF Currency B was 4.41 last year, which is several times higher than the current deposit's annual yield of 0.35. How to pay off a credit card may seem like a trivial matter, but it actually involves a lot of knowledge. Studying the secrets can greatly improve the efficiency of credit card use. You may also like gt; Introduction to the functions of GF Money Bag Credit Card, My opinion on personal finance for college students, Personal investment and financial management stories of college life