Can I use someone else’s bank card to pay back my credit card? Using someone else's bank card to repay a credit card can be divided into two situations, one is transfer repayment, and the other is automatic repayment. 1. Using someone else’s card to transfer money for repayment can be thought of as asking others to help repay the money. When many friends have no money, they may ask others to help repay the money and ask them to transfer the money directly to their credit card. From an operational point of view, this is feasible. But there is also a disadvantage, that is, the bank card used for repayment is not your own, which may make the bank think that the cardholder has poor repayment ability and cannot repay alone. Such repayment in the long term is not conducive to increasing the limit. Therefore, if you really have no money to repay and find someone to borrow money, it is best to let others transfer the money to your bank card, and then transfer the money yourself to repay. 2. Automatic repayment by binding other people’s cards. When a credit card is activated for automatic repayment, it can only be bound to the cardholder’s own savings card. It does not need to be the bank card of the bank, but the name of the bank card account holder must be the same person as the credit card holder, so You cannot activate automatic repayment if you bind someone else's card. In addition, using someone else's bank card to repay the loan also includes finding a repayment agency to repay. It is also repayment without using your own card. This repayment method is more obvious. The name of the repayer will display the name of the repayment agency. If you have to rely on others to repay your debt for several months in a row to maintain the pressure of repayment, you are indirectly telling the bank that you are already a high-risk customer, and the bank is likely to reduce the limit or block the card.