if you find that your current credit card repayment is overdue, you can take the initiative to call the bank credit center to explain your financial situation and the economic problems you have encountered. If there is a major accident, such as unemployment, illness or other accidents, the bank will think that you are not maliciously defaulting, and you can apply for delayed repayment and interest concessions.
In general, the bank's regulations on overdue payment are as follows:
1. If the credit card is overdue for more than 6 times within two years, or if it is overdue for more than 3 months at a time, it is not allowed to apply for a loan.
second, personal credit is bad, and the interest rate for applying for commercial loans will be raised. If the use of credit cards is often overdue, which leads to the decline of the credit limit, then when applying for a loan, the bank will check the credit records in recent years, and once it finds that the credit information is bad, it will raise the interest rate for applying for a loan.
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