Generally speaking, the result of signing a credit card will not exceed 7 working days. It also depends on which bank it belongs to. The working efficiency of different banks is slightly different. If you still haven't received the approval results after more than 7 working days, you can call the bank customer service to find out the reasons. If the credit card approval is rejected, it is recommended that the cardholder reapply after 3 months.
What information should I bring to the credit card interview?
Face-to-face signing generally means that the credit card applicant brings his legal and valid identity documents to the credit card application bank to submit personal information and data verification. The main function of the interview is to input a face recognition and whether it is my application and whether the qualification is true through the camera system of the bank. Generally, it is the first time to apply for a credit card, or some banks apply online. Be sure to ask what documents you need to bring during the interview, especially when applying in different places. Be prepared in advance to avoid repeated running. You can't use it immediately after the interview. Some banks require a second audit. If you don't need them, you can use them after 24 hours.