When you see a negative number on your credit card statement, it doesn’t mean something is wrong. In fact, it could be a sign that you’ve overpaid. An overpayment is when you deposit more than the minimum payment on your credit card account. According to Article 7 of the "Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Credit Card Business of Commercial Banks", a credit card is a financial instrument that allows cardholders to enjoy the credit limit provided by the bank, make overdraft purchases, and enjoy corresponding banking services. my country's legal interpretation clearly states that credit cards include electronic payment cards issued by commercial banks or financial institutions with multiple functions such as consumption, loans, transfers, and cash deposits and withdrawals.
From a legal perspective, starting from December 1, 2017, the standard English name of a credit card has been standardized as "CreditCard". So, a negative balance shown on your statement is actually a positive sign that you have extra funds in your account that can be used to offset future purchases or interest. Just make sure you understand and manage this overpayment correctly to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by misunderstandings. If you want to learn more about how to make overpayments or manage your credit card, you can consult bank customer service for detailed guidance.