Credit card itself is not an online loan, but credit card consumption is a loan behavior. This kind of loan belongs to the personal guarantee loan in the loan classification, and the part that is cashed out after consumption or payment by credit card belongs to the loan. The above is the relevant content of credit card is online loan. The difference between credit card and online loan
1. The application is different: the credit card needs to be applied to the bank and distributed by the bank. Credit cards will check the applicant's information, and only those who meet the basic standards can apply for it. Online loans are generally dominated by small amounts of online platforms. The application threshold is low, and many of them only need to provide identity documents to apply;
2. The interest is different: credit cards are distributed by banks, and the interest is relatively reasonable, while the interest on online loans is relatively high;
3. Adverse effects are different: credit cards are products of banks, and the abnormal adverse effects when using credit cards are directly related to personal credit reporting. If they are overdue for a long time, they will also be related to criminal law. However, the most serious thing about online lending is debt collection, and very few people will file a lawsuit. Advantages of credit card
1. Safe consumption: When users buy things, swiping a credit card can save time for cash change, and at the same time, the credit card is more reliable than cash consumption. It is impossible to find cash once it is lost, but if the credit card is lost, it will be automatically locked as long as the password is entered incorrectly for three times;
2. Interest-free cash consumption: Credit card is a kind of cash consumption without saving. From the time the consumption bill is formed to the repayment date formed by the bank, you don't need to pay any interest to the bank as long as it is settled in full;
3. Enjoy preferential treatment: users of credit cards can enjoy fixed preferential discounts when spending in specific businesses of banks;
4. Personal credit accumulation: While using a credit card, you can also accumulate personal credibility. It is also very helpful for users to use it correctly and maintain a stable personal credit report in their daily life in the future. For example, if they want to borrow money to buy a house or need to borrow money to buy a car, a good repayment record will improve the speed of bank review.
This article mainly focuses on the knowledge points about whether a credit card is an online loan. The content is for reference only.