It is still possible to use a credit card while swiping. A credit card is a line of credit provided to you. As long as you repay it on time within the term, you can spend and repay it freely within the limit.
Credit card "pay as you go" is the most economical and best way to control consumption when funds are not in place and repayment cannot be made in time.
The impact of swiping and repaying at the same time:
1. Easy risk control
It is easier to derate your credit due to frequent operations like this. Due to repeated swiping, the system will think that you have no credit card. If you pay back the money to a credit card, if there is a suspicion of "backing up the card", it will be considered that you are at risk of not being able to repay the funds, and risk control may be carried out to directly reduce your limit.
2. Small black room
For some banks with relatively high points value, they will put you in a black room and basically not give you a limit increase.
However, there are certain benefits to maxing out your credit card. When your credit card limit is 10,000 yuan, if you repay the loan before the bill date after maxing it out, and continue to repay it after maxing out your credit card, The bank will think that the limit given to you is not high, and will most likely increase your limit. Generally speaking, there are pros and cons. You can try it for a month to see if it will take the initiative to increase your limit.
Most people will not consume and repay at the same time. There are opportunities to increase the limit, and there are also risks of lowering the limit.
Although credit cards support repayment at any time, most users will not repay in advance. It is most beneficial to users to choose to repay on the repayment date.
After swiping the credit card, users can make early repayment regardless of whether it is included in the bill or not. However, credit cards provide interest-free services, and early repayment will shorten the interest-free period, which is not cost-effective for users. If you choose to repay on the repayment date, you can not only enjoy the interest-free period, but also maintain your personal credit.
Warm reminder: The above content is for reference only.
Response time: 2021-11-10. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.