The procedures for credit card collectors to come to the door are also very strict. There are at least two people, and there are audio and video recordings throughout. Don't speak too loudly, don't disturb the people, and don't make threatening, insulting or sarcastic remarks in the conversation. It is reasonable for the collection staff to come to the door, but it cannot affect the life of the debtor.
Escaping is never the solution to the problem. Only positive questions have a chance. If you are really notified by a credit card, negotiate with it as soon as possible, explain the reasons for overdue and express your willingness to repay. The most important thing is that you have to come up with a plan that both sides can agree on. For example, if you can't repay it in one lump sum, how much can you repay it every month? Negotiation is not that easy, but it is better than doing nothing. Life is not easy, and it is even harder to carry on. I hope that every day the debtor pays his debts is positive.