When repaying a credit card, if you only pay the minimum payment amount, it is not considered overdue. Minimum repayment is a flexible repayment method that is suitable for cardholders who have a large bill amount in the current period and are unable to pay it off at once. Usually, the minimum repayment amount consists of the following parts: 10% of the consumption amount, the total amount of the cash advance transaction, the total amount of the minimum payment amount not paid in the previous period, the total amount of consumption exceeding the credit limit, as well as fees and interest Full amount. It should be noted that if you choose the minimum repayment, the cardholder will no longer enjoy the interest-free repayment period, and interest will still be paid. Nonetheless, as long as the minimum repayment is completed before the due payment date, it will not affect an individual's credit record.
The calculation formula of the minimum repayment amount may vary from bank to bank. Some banks may require a minimum repayment ratio of 10 for cash advance transactions. Although interest is uninterrupted, cardholders are always advised to repay as much as possible to reduce long-term financial burden and maintain a good credit score. In general, the minimum payment is not overdue, but it has an important impact on credit card usage strategies and credit management.