Many people say that I have money and don’t use credit cards. Because using a credit card is too troublesome and unsafe, if you use it improperly and cause overdue payments, you will be charged by the bank for debt collection. Let’s analyze the impact of not having a credit card.
1. If you don’t have a credit card and want to get a loan to buy a car, but your credit report is blank, how can the bank believe you? This can easily lead to your loan failing. If you have a credit card, the bank only needs to see that your credit is good and it will be easy to get a loan.
Second, if you don’t have a credit card, one day suddenly you can’t turn around your funds. It’s very difficult to borrow money nowadays. Everyone should agree. So bring a credit card just in case, so you don’t have to look for someone to borrow money when you need it.
Thirdly, if you don’t have a credit card, Alipay’s Zhima points will not give you too high Zhima points, so it is difficult to have a large limit for Huabei and Borrowing. Take the people around you who have or do not have credit cards. Their Zhima credit scores are higher than those of people without credit cards, and their Huabei and borrowing limits will be higher.
If you don’t have a credit card and suddenly one day you are fired and want to apply again, it will be difficult! Since credit cards are not approved for those without jobs, many people ask me if they can apply for a credit card?