Each credit card has a repayment date, and repayment before the repayment date will not create a bad record. There is no interest-free period for credit card cash withdrawals.
The maximum repayment period for credit card cash withdrawals varies from bank to bank;
Credit card cash withdrawals are generally repaid within 20 days after the next statement date. ICBC’s statement date is generally It is the first of every month, and the repayment is before the 25th of each month;
If the cash is withdrawn on April 5, the repayment is before May 25; when repaying, it will be deposited directly into the card, and you can pay the minimum The minimum repayment amount is generally 11% of the consumption amount;
Credit card cash withdrawals do not enjoy the interest-free period, and the bank will charge a one-time handling fee of 0.5% to 3% of the withdrawal amount. 0.05% interest is charged daily, which is equivalent to an annual interest rate of 18.25%.