Usually around 10 working days.
According to Aiqicha, we learned that the review time for China Merchants Bank’s online credit card application is usually about 10 working days. The specific review time depends on the applicant's personal qualifications and submitted materials. If the applicant's personal qualifications are good, the review time may be shorter. If the applicant's personal qualifications are poor or the materials submitted are insufficient, the review time may be longer. Generally speaking, China Merchants Bank will conduct a preliminary review of the credit card application within 3 working days and verify the applicant's basic information and credit record. If the preliminary review is passed, China Merchants Bank will conduct a detailed review of the application within the next 7 working days to assess the applicant's repayment ability and credit risk. If approved, China Merchants Bank will issue a credit card to the applicant and start activating credit card services. If the review fails, China Merchants Bank will notify the applicant via text message or email and explain the reasons.