Credit card repayment can be made through ATM machines, online banking, Alipay, bank counters and online banking.
Consequences of overdue repayment of credit cards:
No longer enjoy interest-free repayment;
Affect personal credit records;
Serious overdue, huge amount will also constitute a crime because of "malicious overdraft";
If the payment is overdue for more than three months or the bank makes more than two reminders, the bank will freeze your card, list you as a prohibited customer (blacklist), and will also sue you for credit card fraud and malicious overdraft, which will be enforced by the court.
Summary: The impact of credit card overdue occasionally on individuals is not too serious, as long as it is repaid in time. No more than four overdue times in a year, which is not too big for personal influence. If it is overdue for three or even seven months in a row, no bank loan or credit loan can be made within five years.