The credit limit can be increased by swiping your credit card overseas. After you have a credit card, you will have a credit card consumption limit every month for more than three consecutive months. Try to swipe your card wherever you can, regardless of the amount. The more times you use the card and the number of merchants, the more conducive to increasing the limit.
The limit of any credit card depends on the effective income and asset security value provided by the individual during the application process. The credit limit of a credit card is positively correlated with the applicant's income and secured assets, that is, the higher the income and secured assets, the higher the credit limit obtained. Extended information
1. To apply for a credit card, the applicant must provide proof of income and statement of asset guarantee. Asset guarantees include fixed assets such as real estate and cars, as well as current assets such as savings and bonds.
2. Every credit card has a hidden over-limit limit. When you max out your credit card, it is easy to use the over-limit limit. Once you use the over-limit limit, it means you have to pay High over-limit fees.
3. In daily life, we often encounter problems with capital turnover. You can choose to repay the minimum repayment limit, so as to ensure that your personal credit record is not affected and at the same time it does not incur too much. late payment fees.
4. It is important to note that the minimum repayment amount must be paid in full, otherwise you will encounter high late payment fees. ?
Baidu Encyclopedia - Credit Card Limit (Table of Contents - Tips for Increasing the Limit)
Baidu Encyclopedia - International Credit Cards