about ad. about prep. about; for above prep. above...abroad adv. to abroad, abroad
accident accident; disaster across prep. across; across active adj. Active activity n. Activity
ad =advertisement n. Advertising address n. Address aeroplane n. Aircraft afford v. Have enough (money, time) to do something afraid adj. Scared Africa n .Africa after prep./ad.after...; behind...
again adv. again; again against prep.against; against age n.age ago adv. previously agree v. agree; agree aha interj. aha air n. sky; air airport n. airport alive adj. alive all ad. all; completely adj. all; the whole all pron. all; all allow v. allow; permission almost adv. almost; almost
alone adv. alone; alone along ad. together; together prep. along; along already adv. already also adv. also although conj. although; although always adv. always; always; often
am v. amaze v. to surprise; to astonish amazing adj. amazing; amazing
American n/ a. Americans among prep. in... among an art. one (one; piece...) and conj. and, and, and
and so on etc.
< p>angry adj. Angry; angryanimal n. animal
another adj. & pron. Another (of); another (of)
< p>answer vt. answerany a. (used in negative/question sentences) anything, some; any
any more again; more
anybody pron .anyone
anyone pron. anyone
anything pron.anything (thing)
anywhere adv.anywhere
appear v. appear; show up
apple n. apple
April n. April
are v. is
aren't = are not
arm n. arm; arm
around prep. around...; around
arrive v. arrive; arrive somewhere
art n. art; artwork
artist n. painter; artist
as conj. according to; like; because; due to
as prep . as
as if as if
as usual as usual
as well also; also; similarly
as... as is the same as...
Ashland Ashland (town name)
ask v. ask
ask for request; ask
< p>asleep adj. Asleep; soundly asleepassista
nt n. assistant; assistant
at prep. at
at all (use a negative sentence) not at all
attack v./n. attack; attack
attract v. attract
audience n. audience
August n. August
aunt n. aunt; aunt; aunt, Aunt; aunt
Australia n. Australia
Australian n. Australian
Autumn n. Autumn; autumn
awake adj. awake
away adv. leave
baby n. baby; young animal
back n. back; back adv. return to (the original place); backward< /p>
bad adj. bad
bag n. school bag
ball n. ball
bamboo n. bamboo
banana n. Banana
band n. Band
bang v. Knock; slam; bang bang
n. Bang bang sound< /p>
bank n. bank; (river, sea, lake) shore; embankment
base v. based on...; based on
base on …(based on)
baseball n. Baseball
BASIC Computer Beginner Universal Symbol Script Code
basket n. Basketball
basketball n. basketball
be v. be; become
beach n. sea (river, lake) beach
bear n. bear
beat v. (beat, beaten) v. beat; beat
Beatles n. The Beatles
beautiful adj. beautiful; beautiful
because conj . Because
become v. become; become; become
bed n. bed
beef n. beef
beeper n .pocket radio pager; telephone pager
beer n. beer
before prep. before... adv. before
before long soon after
beg v. plead; beg
begin v. start; start
beginning n.beginning; beginning
behind ad./prep. ...behind
believe v. believe; think
below prep. under...; below
Berlin n. Berlin
beside prep.beside...
best adj. & adv. best (place)
best-seller. best-seller (goods)
better adj. (comparative form of good or well)
Better; better
big a. big
bike n. bicycle< /p>
bill n. bill; list; paper money
billion n. billion
biology n. biology (science)
bird n .bird
birthday n. birthday
bit n. a little; small piece
black a. black
bleat v. & n. Sheep braying
blind adj. blind; blind
blouse n. blouse
blow v. blow
blue a ./n. blue (of)
boat n. boat v. boating
boating n. boating
book n. book v. reservation (play ticket; ticket, etc.)
bookmark n. bookmark
bookshop n. bookstore
boot n. boots
boring adj. Annoying
box n. box; box
boy n. boy
bread n. bread
break n.( break; break
break v. break; break; shatter
breakfast n.breakfast
breathe v. breathing
bridge n. bridge n. bridge
bright adj. bright; brilliant
brightly adv. brightly; shiningly
British adj. British ;British
broke v. (past tense of the verb break)
broom n. broom
brother n. brother; brother
< p>brown a./n. Brown (of), brown (of)brush n. brush; brush; paintbrush
building n. building
bus n. bus station
bus station bus station
busy adj. Busy; busy
but conj. But prep. except
butter n. butter
Canada n. Canada
Canadian n. Canadian
cancer n.Cancer
candle n. candle
canoe v. canoe
Canon n. Canon (camera brand name)
captain n. (football Team, etc.) captain
car n. car, car
card n. playing cards; card
carry vt. carry; carry; transport
carry on hold on; continue
cat n. cat
catch v. catch; catch
centre n. center
century n. century; century
certainly adv. of course
chair n. chair
challenge n. challenge
chance n. Opportunity
change v. Transform; change; change
check-out n. (when purchasing) checkout; cashier
cheese n. cheese
chemistry .chemistry
chess n. chess
chicken n. chicken; chicken
child n. child< /p>
Children n. (plural form of child)
chimney n. Chimney, chimney
China n. China
Christmas n. Christmas
church n. church; church
cinema n. cinema; movie
circle n.
circle; circle
circle v. surround; go around n. circle; circle
city n. city
code n. password; symbol
coffee n. coffee
coin n. coin
colour n. color vt. to color...
colourful adj. brightly colored< /p>
come v. come
come along; accompany
come down; fall
come in; enter
come on come on; follow; hurry; come; come over
come out (flower) bloom; sprout (bud); appear; come out
come over come over; by the way visit
come to oneself wake up; regain consciousness
come true realize
come up with find;
propose (answer, solution) etc.)
comfortable adj. comfortable; comfortable
company n. company
competition n. competition; competition
complain v .complain; complain
composition n. composition; work
computer n. computer, electronic computer
concert n. concert; recital
conductor n. (car, tram) conductor; conductor
confidence n. confidence; self-confidence
confident adj. confident; convinced
congratulation. (common plural) congratulations; celebration
connect v. connection; connection; contact
contribution n. contribution
conversation n. conversation; Talk
cook v. Cook; boil; burn
n. Cook; chef
Cookie n. (pl.cookies) cookies
cool adj. (slang) great
cool adj. cool; cool
copy v. copy; write down
coral n .coral
coral reef coral reef
corn n. (US) corn; cereal crops
corner n. corner; (street) corner
< p>correct v. correctcost v. price; cost (money, time, etc.)
cotton n.cotton
cough v. cough
could v. aux.
(colloquial) (expressing permission or request) can..., line
count v. number, points
country n. country
country n. countryside; suburbs
countryside n. countryside; countryside
cousin n. cousin (cousin) brother; cousin (table) (sisters)
cover v. cover
cow n. cow; dairy cow
crash v. fall; collision
cream n . Cream; milk fat
credit n. credit
credit card credit card
crop n. crop; harvest
cross n. cross n. (object); cross v. pass through; cross
ss v. cross; cross
crossing n. crossroad; intersection
crowd v. crowd
cry v. cry; shout
cup n. cup
cupboard n. cupboard; small cabinet
cut v. cut; chop; cut
cut down chop down
dad n.
dance v. dance
danger n. dangerous
dangerous adj. dangerous
dark a. dark (dense) color; dark
date n. date
daughter n. daughter
day n. day; day
daytime n. daytime
dead adj. dead
deaf adj. deaf
deal n. (spoken) agreement ; deal
dear adj. dear; lovely
death n. death; death
December n. December
decide n. decide; determination
decision n. decide
decorate v. decorate; modify
deep adj. deep
deer n. Deer
delicious adj. delicious; delicious
describe v. description; narrative
description n. description; description
desert n. desert
deserve v. deserve; deserve...
desk n. desk
detective n. detective
develop v. development; development; development
diagram n. chart
diary n. diary
dictionary n. dictionary; dictionary
die v. death
difference n. different; difference
different adj. different
difficult adj. difficult; difficult
dig v. dig; dig
digital adj. digital
dim adj. dim; dim
dining room n . restaurant
dinner n. dinner; dinner
directly adv. directly
dirty adj. dirty
disappear v. disappear
disappearance n. disappear; disappear
discover v. discover; discover
discuss v. discuss; discuss
discussion n. discuss
disease n. disease
dish n. plate; dish; a dish
display n. display
disturb v. obstruction; Disturb
dive v. Dive into (water); dive
diver n. A person who dives into the water; diver
do v.aux. Auxiliary verb (no meaning)
do v. do, do, act
do (some) reading read aloud; read
do one's homework do homework
do one's best do our best; try our best
do we
ll in do a good job in...
doctor n. doctor
document n. official document; file
dog n. dog
dollar n. yuan
dolphin n. dolphin
don't =do not
door n. door
doorbell n. doorbell
double adj. double; double
v. to double; to make... double
double n. & adj. twice ( (of); double (of)
down ad. down
download v. download
downstairs adv.&adj. (at) downstairs;
(Go) downstairs
draw v. draw; draw
dream n. dream; dream v. dream; yearn for
dress n .women's clothing; (generally refers to) clothes
drink n. drink v. drink
drive v. drive
driver n. driver; driver
p>drop n. drop; water drop
drop v. drop; drop n. drop; water drop
drop off put down (something); get off the car
drought n. drought; drought
dry adj. dry; dry
dry v. dry..., dry in the sun
duck n. duck
dumpling n. dumpling
during prep. during...
dustbin n. trash can
duty n .Responsibility; responsibility
DVD n. Optical disc; video disc
each pron. each; each
each other each other
ear n. ear
earlier adj. & adv. (early comparison)
early adj. & adv. early; early stage
earth n. land; earth ; Earth
earthquake n.earthquake
east n. & adj. Eastern; eastern
easy adj. easy
eat v. eat
eat up eat up; finish eating
edge n. edge; edge
education n. education; cultivation
egg n.egg
eight num.eight
eighteenth num. eighteenth
eighth num. eighth
either adv . (used in negative sentences) also (not)
either...or or...or
electronic adj. electronic
elephant n. image
eleven num.Eleven
empty adj. empty
encourage v. encourage
end n. & v. end; end; end
engineer n. engineer
England n. England
English n. English; British
Englishman n. (Male) person
enjoy v. like; enjoy... fun
enjoy oneself pass quickly
Have fun; have fun
enjoyable adj. Pleasant; interesting
enough adj. enough; sufficient
enter v. enter
entrance n. entrance; entry; entry
environment n. environment
er interj. Uh, ah, this...
eraser n . Eraser
escape v./n. Escape; escape; escape
especially adv. Special; especially
essential adj. Essential; main; Required
eve n. (the eve of a festival or a big event)
even adv. even; more
even though...
evening adj. evening; night
event n. event; event
ever adv. ever
ever since since then; ever since
every adj. every; every
everybody pron.everyone; everyone
everyone pron.=everybody everyone, everyone
Everyone pron. p>
everything pron.Everything; everything; everything
everywhere adv. everywhere; no matter where
exactly adv. accurately; strictly
exam n. (oral) exam
example n. example; role model
excellent adj. excellent; excellent
except prep. ...outside
excited adj. excited; exciting
exciting adj. exciting
excuse n. excuse; excuse
excuse vt. forgive
exercise n. practice; exercise
exit n. export
expect v. expectation; expectation
< p>expensive adj. expensiveexperience n. experience; experience
expert n. expert; expert
explore v. exploration; adventure
explorer n. explorer; investigator
eye n. eyes
face n. face; face
fact n. fact; actual
p>factory n. factory
fail v. fail; fail
fall v. fall; fall
fall asleep sleep; fall asleep
fall behind fall behind; lose to others
fall down fall; fall; fall from...
fall off (fall from...)< /p>
family n. home, family
family name surname
family tree family tree (picture)
famous adj. famous; famous
fan n. (colloquial) (movie, sports, etc.) fans
far adj. & adv. far (place)
far away far away; remote
farm n. farm
farmer n. farmer
farming n. agriculture; farming
farmland n. farmland
her dj.&adv. (comparative form of far) further; farther
farthest dj.&adv. (superlative form of far) farthest
fast adj. & adv. fast of, fast
fat adj. fat
father n. father
fax n.fax
feather n. feather< /p>
February n. February
feed v. feed; feed
feel v. feel; feel
festival n. & adj. Festival (of); festive (of)
few adj. few, not many
field n. land; field
field trip field trip< /p>
fifteen num.fifteen
fifth num. & adj. fifth (of)
fifty num.fifty
fill v .Fill; fill
film n. film; movie
final adv.last
find vt.find; discover
find out find out; find out
fine adj. good; (body) good
finger n. finger
finish v. complete; end< /p>
fireplace n.fireplace
first adj. & adv. first; first; initially
first of all first, first
fish n. fish v. fishing
fishing n. fishing
fit adj. healthy; suitable; appropriate
v. (make) fit< /p>
five num. Five
fix v. repair; installation
flight n. flight; flight
flood n. flood; flood v .submerged; flooding
floor n. (indoor) ground; floor
flower n. flower
fly v. fly; fly; travel by plane
fly v. fly (kite, airplane model, etc.)
fog n. fog
foggy adj. foggy; foggy
follow v. follow
food n. food
foot n. foot
football n. football
for prep. Give
for example
foreign adj. foreign
foreigner n. foreigner
forest n. forest
forever adv. (= for ever) forever; always
forgot v. forget
fork n. fork; fork
form n. Form
found v. established; established
four num.four
fourteen num.fourteen
fox n. fox
France n. France
free adj. Idle; free
freeze v. Freeze; solidify
French n. French< /p>
Frenchman n. Frenchman
Friday n. Friday
fridge n
. refrigerator
friend n. friend
friendly adj. friendly
friendship n. friendship; friendship
frighten v. frighten ; scare
frightened adj. frightened, frightened
from prep. from; from...
from now on from now on; from now on
from…to from…to…
front adj. & n. front (of); front part
fruit n. fruit
frustrate v. To cause frustration; to fail
frustrated adj. Feeling discouraged
full adj. Full
fun adj. Interesting; pleasant
p>fun n. Interesting things; entertainment
future n. future; future
game n. games, sports
garden n. flowers (Fruit, vegetable) garden
gate n. gate
gatekeeper n. gatekeeper; gatekeeper
generosity n. generosity; open-minded
geography. Geography (study)
Germany n. Germany
get v. get, obtain
get back come back; retrieve
get down, fall down
get married, get married
get off, get off from...
get on (car)
< p>get on well with get along with...get to arrive
get together get together
get up get up
get ...back return...; send back; retrieve
get-together party
girl n. girl
give v. give
give a concert to give birth to a concert
give birth to (child)
give up give up
give…a hand to give…help
give up p>
given name=first name
glad adj. happy; happy
glass n. glass
glove n. gloves< /p>
go n. try (to do something); v. go
go back go back
go boating go boating
go fishing fishing
go hiking go hiking
go home go home
go on doing (sth.) continue to do (something)
go on continue
go out go out; go outside
go over go over; check carefully
go shopping (go) to buy things
< p>go skating Go skatinggo straight along Go straight along...
go to bed Go wrong
go wrong
p>goal n. (football) goal; score
goes v. go (singular third person present tense of go)
golf n. golf ball
good a.Okay
goodbye interj. Goodbye; goodbye
goodness n. Kindness; virtue
grab v. grab...; seize
grade n. grade
graduate v. graduation
grand adj. luxurious; solemn; majestic
grandfather n. (maternal) grandfather
grandma n. (colloquial) grandma; grandma
grandmother n. (foreign) grandmother
grandpa n. (colloquial) grandpa; grandpa
grape n. Grape
grass n. grass; grassland
grateful adj. grateful; expressing gratitude
great adj. great; big; important< /p>
great adj. (colloquial) great; very good
green adj./n. green (of)
greet v. greeting; to (person) ) to say hello
grey adj./n. Gray (of); gray (of)
ground n. Ground; land
group n. group, group , group
grow v. plant; grow
grow up grow; grow
guess v. guess
guide n. guide ; Tour guide v. Guide; guide
Gum Tree Eucalyptus Village
had better (do) best (do...)
hair n. hair
half n. half; half
half-way adv. on the way; halfway
hall n. hall; hall; hall
hamburger n. hamburger
hand n. hand
hand in hand in
hands up raise hand
hang v. hang; Hanging
happen v. Happen (by chance); happen to happen
happily adv. Happily; happily
happy adj. Happy; happy
hard adj. difficult adv. hard
hard adj. hard
hardly adv. seriously; badly; almost not
hard-working adj. hard-working; diligent
harm n. damage; injury
Harvard n. Harvard University [famous American university]
harvest n. Harvest
has (the third person of the verb have) has
hat n. Hat (generally refers to the one with a rim)
hate v. Hate; do not Like; hate
have v. have
have a (good) rest rest
have a cold have a cold
have a cough (suffer from) a cough
have a good time have a happy time
have a headache (suffer from) a headache
have a look take a look
< p>have a seat sit downhave a try try; work hard
have sports engage in physical activities
have supper have dinner
< p>have to have to; musthe pron.He
head n. head;
headache n.headache
headmaster n.(English) principal of primary and secondary schools
heal v.make (Injury, illness) recovery
health n. health; hygiene
healthily adv. healthily
healthy adj. healthy; robust
hear v. hear; hear
hear of
heart n. heart (heart)
heavily adv. in large quantities; violently ;Awesomely
heavy adj. heavy
height n. height
hello interj. hello (expressing greetings or calling attention)
help vt. Help
help yourself to help yourself; eat whatever you want
help…with… help (someone) do (something)
helpful adj . helpful; beneficial
her pron. her
here ad. here, here
here and there everywhere, everywhere
< p>Here you are.hers pron.hers
herself pron.herself
hey interj. Hey; hello
hi interj. Hello (meaning greeting or calling attention)
hide v. hide
high adj. & adv. high (ground)
high school middle school
high jump high jump
hike v. & n. Hiking; hiking
hiking n. Hiking
hill n. hill
him pron. Him (accusative case)
himself pron. Himself
his pron. His
history n. History (study)
hit v. hit; hit; hit
hm int. hum (expressing hesitation, calling attention)
hobby n. hobby
hold v. take; hold
hold a sports meeting hold a sports meeting
hold on (spoken) wait;
(when making a phone call) do not hang up
hole n. hole; hole; pit
holiday n. holiday; vacation
home n. home
hometown n. hometown ; Hometown
homework n. Homework
Hong Kong n. Hong Kong
hooray interj. Wow! =hurray
hope v. hope
horse n. horse
hospital n. hospital
hot adj. hot; spicy
hot dog hot dog (red sausage bread)
hotel n. hotel; restaurant
hour n. hour
hour after hour one Hour after hour; continuously
house n. house
housework n. housework
how adv. (referring to the degree) how much; how
how much
How are you? How are you (physically)?
How do you do? Hello!
how long
how many
however conj. However; but
hug n. hug; hug tightly
huge adj. huge
human n.&adj. human (of), human being (of)
human being
hundred num. Hundred
hungry adj. Hungry
hurry v. hurry up; rush
hurry up hurry up
hurt v. cause injury; pain
husband n. husband
I pron. me
I'd like=I would like
ice n. ice
I pron. p>
ice cream ice cream
iceberg n. iceberg
ID n. (abbreviation of identity) identity (certificate)
idea n. idea; idea; opinion
if conj. if; if; whether
ill adj. sick; unhealthy
I will
I'm=I am
imagine v. imagine, imagine
important adj. important; significant
Impossible a. Impossible
improve v. Improve; improve
in prep. In... (inside; on) use... (expression)
in a hurry hurriedly
in English in English (expression)
in fact actually
in front front; directly opposite
in front of in front of...
in the day in the daytime
in the end finally
in the future future
in the head of at the forefront of...
in the open air outdoors; in the wild
in this way use this method
in time in time
increase v. increase; growth
India n. India
Indian adj. Indian (people)
n. Indian; Indian
information.Intelligence; information
injection n. injection; injection
inside prep. inside of...
inspector n. police officer ;Supervisor
instead adv. replace; replace
instead of
instruction n. instructions; instructions
interest n. interest
Interested adj.Interested
Interesting adj. Interesting; interesting
internet n.Internet; Internet
into prep. into...; inward
invent v. invention; creation
invention n. invention; manufacturing
inventor n. inventor, creator< /p>
invite v. invitation; hospitality
is v. is
island n. island; island
isn't =is not
it pron.It
Italian adj. Italian (person)
n. Italian, Italian
Italy n .Italy
it's =it is
its pron.its
jacket n.jacket
January n. January< /p>
Japan n. Japan
Japanese adj. Japanese; Japanese
n. Japanese; Japanese
jeep n. Jeep
job n. work
join v. join; participate
joke n. joke; joke
journalist n. reporter; news worker
journey n. journey, travel; journey
juice n. (fruit, meat, etc.) juice; juice
July n. July
jump v. jump
jumper n. jumper
June n. June
just adv. just now; just now
just now; not long ago
>just then at that time
keep v. keep; retain; raise; take care of
keep doing something keep doing something
key n. key< /p>
keyboard n. keyboard
kid n. (spoken) child
kill v. kill; kill
kilo n. kilogram; kilogram
kilometre n. Kilometer; kilometer
kind adj. kind; friendly
kind n. kind; kind
< p>kind hearted adj. kind heartedkinds of various
kitchen n. kitchen
kite n. kite
knee n. knee
knife n. knife
knock v. knock, hit
knock at knock (door, window, etc.)
< p>knock on (door, window, etc.)know vt. know; understand
knowledge n. knowledge; knowledge
lab n. laboratory< /p>
ladies' room (for women) public toilet
lady n. lady; madam
lake n. lake
land v. Go ashore; land; land n. land
language n. language
lap n. (a lap of the competition ground)
large adj. big ; (number)
large numbers of many
last adj. The last; just past
adv. Last v. Continuous, durable
p>late adv.&adj. late (place), late (place)
later adv. later; later
later on later; later
laugh v. (big) laugh; (make) laugh; laugh
n. laugh; laugh
laugh at laugh
lay v .lay eggs; lay eggs
lazy adj. lazy
leaf n. (pl.leaves) leaves; leaves of trees (grass)
learn v. learn, learn
learn…from… learn from…
least adj. smallest; least n. smallest; least
leather n. leather
leather n. p>
leave v. leave; set off
leave...behind leave... in (leave)...
left n. & adj. left (of); left (of)
leg n. leg
lend v. lend... to; lend
less adj. & adv. (comparative form of little)
Less (land); smaller (land)
less than less than; less than
lesson n. Lesson; homework
let v. Let
Let me see. Let me think about it.
let’s =let us
letter n. letter; letter
librarian n. librarian