Visa, passport, clothes, student ID, transcripts, various notarizations, physical examination certificates, ID photos, glasses, domestic mobile phone cards
Glasses: In the United States, a doctor is required to wear glasses. The certificate needs to be issued after the optometry, and the contact lenses also need to be examined and obtained the certificate first. The whole set is a bit troublesome and requires extra money. So bring 1-2 pairs of glasses. If you need contact lenses, you can also consider it. Note: The second pair of glasses is for emergency use. In the United States, it takes at least four or five days to get an optometry plus glasses, and it takes more than seven or eight days. For students with severe myopia, it would be impossible to survive these days without a second pair of emergency glasses.
Commonly used medicines: Similarly, medicines containing antibiotics generally need to be prescribed by a doctor. You know the medical costs in the United States. In addition, medicines in the United States are more powerful than medicines in China. So just bring some cold medicine, anti-inflammatory medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, throat pills, safflower oil for bruises or Yunnan Baiyao. Small amount of cash: Keep a small amount of cash with you in case you are unable to swipe your bank card. Cash exceeding US$10,000 must be declared to the customs when entering the country. Parents can remit money to American schools through other methods.
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