One: when you get a credit card, you need to bring your ID card to the bank to get it yourself!
Credit card mailing is also the home address or work address sent by the bank to the customer by registered mail.
You must sign for it yourself!
Two: once the credit card is successfully collected, I need to personally sign the back of the credit card!
When shopping malls use credit cards, they must sign for invoices in person.
The transaction is successful only if the signature of the invoice is consistent with the signature on the back of the credit card in the mall!
Three: find a lawyer to sue banks and shopping malls! Reason: the bank did not receive the card issued to others!
The mall didn't check my signature handwriting! The court bailiff can retrieve the surveillance video of the transaction site through the shopping mall!
If you apply for a card in a bank, you can also retrieve the video of the card on the same day at the issuing bank to lock the suspect.
If you send it by registered mail, you can also sue the post office, and send it to others without my signature!