It is stipulated that the proof of credit card repayment delay in epidemic situation requires a qualified person to issue a certificate. For example, if it is an epidemic prevention and control staff, it should be issued and stamped by the prevention and control work unit. If it is a confirmed person, it needs a certificate from a medical institution.
The Notice on Strengthening Financial Services in Banking and Insurance Industry and Doing a Good Job in Prevention and Control of Pneumonia Infection in novel coronavirus issued by the Insurance Regulatory Commission of the Bank of China is the best guarantee for everyone to delay repayment.
The document requires that banks and insurance institutions should further increase their support for epidemic areas, reduce or exempt handling fees, simplify business processes and open up fast channels. For those who have temporarily lost their source of livelihood due to the epidemic, the credit policy will be appropriately tilted, and the repayment arrangements of personal credit such as housing mortgage and credit card will be flexibly adjusted, and the repayment period will be reasonably postponed.