When people use credit cards, it can be said that the credit card limit is the most worthy of attention. However, usually, the credit card limit will not satisfy you, so it is usually necessary to increase the limit. Regarding credit card limit increases, many people may not know much about the curve limit increase. So today I will introduce to you how to increase the credit card limit according to the curve, as well as check the credit score for the credit card limit increase according to the curve.
Credit card limit withdrawal means that we usually withdraw money by applying to the bank's customer service center. "Curve line increase" refers to other methods that the bank customer service center can take in addition to actively applying for an increase. For example, when applying for a second card, this is what we usually call a curve increase.
Is it possible to check your credit score with a credit card limit increase?
Credit card credit card limit increases generally require a credit check. After all, applying for a second card requires a credit check. Although each bank may have different thresholds for applying for a second card, the card must be reviewed by the bank, so Basically, they will do a credit check.
How to increase credit curve limit?
If you want to increase your credit limit in a curved manner so that you can get a higher second card limit, you must make good use of your existing credit card and maintain a good card usage record. For example, frequent credit card purchases, repayments on time, etc.
Apply for a second credit card when it has a temporary limit. Generally speaking, when you feel that your credit card limit is not enough, you can apply to increase the fixed limit or temporary limit. Temporary limits like this are generally easier to apply for. If the credit card you currently hold has a temporary limit, you can apply for a second card. It is very likely that the limit of the second card will be the sum of the fixed limit and the temporary limit of your current credit card.