When you apply for a credit card, you should fill in the company address and home address. Most banks that apply for a credit card for the first time usually send this address to the company address, which is the receiving address of the credit card by default, so it will be inconvenient to receive the card in the future. Many friends will definitely want to change this delivery address. You can change it.
It is reported that there are many ways to modify credit cards at present, including but not limited to telephone modification, credit card official website channel modification and counter modification. If you want to make changes without leaving home, the most direct way is to make changes through the official website channel, as long as you have an internet-connected mobile phone, computer, etc. , you can follow the following steps:
Wechat pays attention to the official account of WeChat, the credit card issuing bank, and binds the credit card according to the prompt in the bottom menu bar;
Entering a keyword similar to "modify address" in the WeChat official account dialog box will push a message;
Click the link in the information to enter the modification page and follow the prompts.
In addition to modifying the address, mobile phone number and other information can also be modified in the same way. Finally, I need to remind you that if the credit card is audited, it is recommended not to modify the address. After the approval, you can report the loss and request to change the address on the grounds that you have not received the card, which is safer.