Credit cards are very common in our lives. Generally speaking, credit cards have many levels. From low to high, they are regular card, gold card and platinum card. Apart from this type of credit card, the highest level of credit card is the black card owned and used by a few people.
People often say that those who have a black card must have assets of over 10 million, but people with assets of over 10 million may not necessarily have a black card. Black cards are specially customized for certain people. Card. From the origin of credit cards, our country did not have the level of black card in the early stages of development. The black card was derived from the reference of foreign credit card grading systems. It is for foreign countries with an annual income of more than five million U.S. dollars and a possession of no less than 30 million U.S. dollars. USD assets are raised by this type of client. The American Express Centurion Black Card is a well-known black card. This black card was issued in 1999. It has a black card surface and no credit limit. People collectively call it "black card". In our country, the credit limit of black card users with assets of over RMB 10 million is generally between that of gold cards and platinum cards, and they do not completely copy foreign credit card systems.
Having a black card is the dream of many people, but it is difficult to realize the dream. It is said that Wang Sicong has a black card in his hand. Each bank in my country positions each customer differently and has its own criteria for judgment. Under normal circumstances, VIP customers in my country have assets of more than 5 million, and can enjoy one-on-one VIP services from banks, such as free airport transfers, high-end lectures, and VIP lounges at the airport. According to my understanding, China's Industrial and Commercial Bank of my country, China Merchants Union Bank and Minsheng Bank have issued black cards, but the black cards have a limited credit limit, and other benefits are like VIP customers.
The reason why black cards are rare is that individuals cannot apply for black cards and can only be invited to register and apply for them by banks. Users who can apply for black cards have been strictly screened by the bank and have excellent credit qualifications. Domestic black card holders are generally domestic corporate presidents or senior executives. Black cards represent a symbol of wealth, giving customers a new label and highlighting the differences between black card users and ordinary people.