1. Learn to read bills: Open your credit card statement, which records your monthly expenses in detail. If you cannot read these details well, it will be difficult to know clearly your repayment status. There are many proper nouns on credit card statements, such as cash advance limit, credit limit, current statement date, etc. What everyone needs to know most is the final payment date and minimum payment amount of the current period. The final repayment date of this period is the final repayment period stipulated by the bank. Any repayment beyond this period will be regarded as a breach of contract. The minimum repayment amount refers to the minimum amount to be repaid in this period, which is usually about 5-10% of the total consumption.
2. Make good use of the interest-free period: The interest-free period is how long you can avoid paying bank interest after your credit card is overdrawn. The general interest-free period is divided into two types: the longest and the shortest based on the length of time. The interest-free period of each bank is also different. For example, for credit cards launched by China Merchants Bank, according to online reports, the interest-free period can be up to 50 days. Generally, the card is swiped on the last day of the statement date, so that you can enjoy a longer interest-free period.
3. Learn to repay money reasonably: After understanding the above two skills, you also need to know how to repay money reasonably. Two repayment methods are recommended here. If you have sufficient funds, you can repay the loan in full on the final payment date. This is the first method. If you cannot afford so much money temporarily, you can use the second method, which is to pay the minimum repayment amount on the final repayment date. It is recommended that if you are able, you should repay in full. If you are unable to repay in full, you should pay the minimum amount before the final repayment date. This is to protect your personal credit from being affected. Another thing to note is that if you withdraw cash in the current period, you will need to pay back more to offset the interest.
In daily life, as long as we pay more attention, learn more about how to use credit cards, and learn more reasonable consumption and repayment, we can save ourselves a lot of unnecessary expenses.
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