As more and more people use credit cards, many people have applied for credit cards, and even many people have applied for several credit cards. Many people suddenly lose their credit cards when using credit cards. The credit limit is up, so why is the credit card suddenly out of limit?
The credit card suddenly has no limit. Why is this?
1 There is an overdue behavior
While using the credit card In the process, the credit card holder failed to repay the loan on time, resulting in the credit card being overdue, and the credit card was overdue more than once or twice. In order to prevent risks, the entire credit card limit will be withdrawn until the card holder meets the qualifications for using the credit card. , the credit card limit will be returned.
2 Credit card suspected of cashing out
Credit card cashing is very serious. Banks do not allow credit card cashing. In the process of using the credit card, the system detects that the credit card has been cashed out, then The credit card limit will be frozen, causing the credit card to have no limit to use. The credit card limit can only be used after proving to the credit card bank that there is no suspected cash out and the bank unfreezes it.
Credit cards that suddenly have no limit are generally caused by the above reasons. Suspected cashing out can be said to be very serious. Once the bank detects cashing out on the credit card, unless strong evidence is provided to prove that there is no cashing out behavior, Otherwise, it is easy to cause the credit card to be permanently unable to be unfrozen.