Credit cards are loans. Since the credit card usage record will be uploaded to the credit report, and the credit card is essentially an overdraft consumption, the user borrows money from the bank and then uses the card to make purchases. The consequences of overdue credit cards and overdue loans are the same. Overdue records will affect personal credit. If you repay your loan on time, it will help maintain your personal credit. When using a credit card, users should pay attention to repaying the loan on time, and also be careful not to trigger the bank's risk control. After the risk control, the credit card will not be able to be used normally.
Will I go to jail if I fail to repay my credit card loan?
Generally speaking, you will not go to jail for repaying a credit card loan, unless there is fraud, because overdue is a civil lawsuit, but there are also special cases where fraudulent means are used to obtain loans, but most will not go to jail, so there are Loans need to be repaid promptly and as required, otherwise you may be taken to court.