Many people often forget to return their credit cards or deliberately fail to return them, which will have very serious consequences in the long run. Generally speaking, credit card overdue is also divided into different situations. One is the person who deliberately fails to pay back the credit card. These people evade credit card repayment by not taking the initiative to repay or not answering bank dunning calls. They think that as long as they don't pay back the money, they can evade the bank's accountability and use the money they borrowed before for free. This behavior is very bad. There is another kind of person who is overdue by accident and unintentionally. This kind of person usually forgets that he still needs to pay back, or it is difficult to turn around during the repayment period, so he plans to pay back in a few days and doesn't want to deliberately avoid repayment. In any case, the consequences of overdue will be defined as overdue in the bank. So what are the consequences of overdue repayment? First of all, it will seriously affect your credit information. If the bank fails to pay back the money within the time limit, it will be recorded in the credit report.
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What should I do if my credit card is in arrears?
The solution to credit card arrears for many years is as follows:
1. Borrow money from relatives and friends to temporarily make up for the loopholes. If it is only a temporary situation, there will be enough funds soon; Then you can borrow some money from relatives and friends and pay it back when the funds are in place.
2. Apply for deferred repayment. In case of unexpected circumstances, such as hospitalization or unemployment, you can contact the bank customer service. Tell the customer service about your real situation, and then apply for deferred repayment.
3. Apply for installment repayment by stopping interest payment when the situation is serious and repayment is relatively more difficult; You can contact the bank customer service. Provide relevant materials to apply for deferred repayment and installment repayment.
4. Negotiate with banks to reduce credit card debt. If negotiation fails, credit card debt can be reduced or exempted through judicial organs.
What happens if the credit card has no arrears?
Failure to pay back the credit card will affect the personal credit record, limit high consumption and bring inconvenience to life. If it is serious enough to constitute a malicious overdraft of a credit card, the credit card crime is established. If the amount is relatively large, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention, and shall also be fined not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan. A large amount refers to more than 6,543,800 yuan but less than 6,543,800 yuan.
Legal basis:
Article 196 of the Criminal Code of People's Republic of China (PRC).
Whoever maliciously overdraws a credit card and engages in credit card activities, with a relatively large amount, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention, and shall also be fined not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan.
Article 6 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases Affecting Credit Card Management.
If the cardholder overdraws beyond the prescribed limit or time limit for the purpose of illegal possession, and the issuing bank fails to repay it for more than three months after two times of collection, it shall be deemed as "malicious overdraft" as stipulated in Article 196 of the Criminal Law.
Malicious overdraft, the amount of which is more than 10,000 yuan but less than 100,000 yuan, shall be deemed as "a large amount" as stipulated in Article 196 of the Criminal Law; If the amount is more than 100,000 yuan but less than 1 million yuan, it shall be deemed as "a huge amount" as stipulated in Article 196 of the Criminal Law; If the amount is more than 6,543.8+0,000 yuan, it shall be deemed as "extremely huge amount" as stipulated in Article 196 of the Criminal Law.
This concludes the introduction of credit card outstanding and credit card outstanding. I wonder if you have found the information you need?