Now is the cashless era, and you can travel around the world without carrying cash when you go out. A thin credit card that can be used anywhere. When you pay your bill, just hand your credit card to the waiter and swipe it, and your order is complete. But be careful about credit card fraud. What are the reasons for credit card fraud?
1. Internet theft
Private information is stolen by fake people and used through the Internet and other means. For example, in the name of refund, limit increase, order confirmation, etc., a fake refund or withdrawal page is created, requiring you to re-enter your credit card number and verification code, thereby defrauding your mobile phone dynamic verification code and funds.
2. Counterfeit card theft
Counterfeiters use theft, bribery and other means to illegally obtain your bank card information and forge and use fake bank cards. If you are not careful when swiping your card and criminals copy your information and steal your password, you will face the risk of being swiped.
3. Card theft and fraud
The lost card is picked up or stolen by the counterfeiter. Your bank card does not have a password or a simple password is taken by them. If they have both the card and the password, they will commit fraud unscrupulously.
4. Other fraud methods
In addition, there are repeated credit card swiping at checkout, payment QR code theft, malicious QR code theft, and tampering with payment parameters such as amount. Information etc.