When applying for this loan, Xiaoying Card Loan will pay a return visit, but not everyone will pay a return visit. Some customers have approved the quota without a second return visit. However, it is not certain that they can successfully apply for the next loan. When the IOU is officially signed, there will be a process of matching the employer, which is the second audit of the employer. Generally, the process of matching employers is relatively short and can be completed within half an hour. If the loan has been signed, the match will always be displayed.
When applying for this loan, Xiaoying Card Loan will check the credit information and will go to the credit information, but the requirements for credit information are not very high. As long as there is no overdue record at present, you can try to apply. There are many loan products under Xiaoyin Card Loan, such as Xiaoyin Easy Loan and Xiaoyin Equity Staging, which we are familiar with. All products can be applied at the same time, and the quota is not shared. Generally, if you can apply for the next small win card loan, you will be given a small win easy loan or equity installment quota. However, recently, after some customers of Xiaoyun Card Loan applied successfully, the lending speed was relatively slow. As long as the contract is successful, subsequent loans can be received, so just wait patiently.
The following is the customer's feedback on applying for a small win card loan:
Small win card loan If you have a normal credit card, you can try it. The next payment rate and the next payment amount are very good. If you don't have a credit card, you can apply for the speed mode, that is, the next payment will be lower. Generally, customers who don't have a credit card have a down payment of 5000 to 10000, and rarely see a higher amount. If they have a credit card, they can apply for up to 80 thousand. There are two credit cards in my name that are in normal use. I applied for a small win card loan and approved a quota of 50 thousand in one second. After signing the contract, the money will arrive the next day. The system automatically repaid a small win interest installment with a quota of 30,000 yuan, but the interest of this small win interest installment is much higher than that of the small win card loan, so it is not used at present.