1. All bank cards in China have a service life, whether they are debit cards, credit cards or credit cards. Generally, debit cards have a very long service life, while credit cards and credit cards have a short service life, usually only a few years. You need to go to the bank to apply for a new card after it expires. The month and year are at the bottom of the front of the credit card, and the validity period is the one that stands out, separated by the "/"symbol. The validity of a credit card is expressed in months/years. Bank credit cards are generally valid for 3 years, and individual banks are 5 years. After the expiration of the validity period, the bank will decide whether to let customers continue to use credit cards according to their past use of credit cards.
2. Generally, there is no expiration date on the bank card, so you can consult the bank. Physical validity: the design life of magnetic stripe card is ten years, and the design life of chip card is thirty years. Actual service life: the magnetic stripe card is properly kept and can be used for three to five years. Chip cards are properly kept and can generally be used for five to ten years. Service validity period: the validity period of the savings card has been cancelled, and the card can be held for life without damage. Credit cards are generally valid for three to five years, with different brands in different periods. After the expiration, the bank will review and decide whether to extend it.